
Love Can Shine This Bright [Twig Birth}



06-23-2014, 12:42 AM

Fretting and mentally stumbling to clarity the poor boy was easily more panicked then his in comparison calm wife. He hovered by her side, constantly moving to gently her cheeks, his tail swishing in worry behind him as he aided her to the den. She was giving birth! she was walking well needing to give birth. again he matched his breath to hers, losing himself in her steady rhythm. Occasionally she would need to stop, a contraction shaking her body and he would hover anxiously each time. He had been so eager to meet his children, and he was.. he was.. he was about it. He took in another breath, his head was swimming.

Something would happen and Twig would wine. He would lean himself into her, half scooping himself under to take her weight and lunge them those last few paces to their beach side den. Twig would collapse and he stayed by her side, hardly daring now to breath. Again he would gently lick her, his breath hot against her cheek and his heart hammering in his chest. She would heave and a baby would be born. A delicate, softly white form would make her appearance and he would gasp with the sight of her. Gently he would snap the cord that binded her to Twig and the mother would scoop up the baby and care for her.

Another would be born, and he too could see the limpness of its shape, the silence where there should be cries. He would reach forward but Twig was already there, scooping it up and running her tongue against his form, gently pushing, warming his blood and at last it would draw its first breath. Alpine would sway slightly in giddy relief and his paw would softly, so softly touch the head of the first born, the little girl that he already knew he would give the world to. ?Faun? he whispered ?My Faun? eyes glistening with tears he would look to Twig, to meet her eyes as the entire family took their first breath as a whole.

I'll Never Forget You