
Lets make nice



06-23-2014, 01:09 AM

Tail flicked at the greeting his sister bestowed upon him, icy red flecked gaze noting the arrivals. Sibelle, he came to know, wore near the same russet colored pelt he did, though his own pelt was coated with three colors. His pelt, of which he took pride in, at least to him, was far better groomed. After all, shouldn't a future leader always have a neat and grand presence? Never was his pelt mussed nor dirty, the Prince(in his mind and future right) was always presentable. Especially when in the presence of such a cobalt and gold beauty that stood before him. Although politics were being discussed, Raw was more interested in the girl that had come with the russet queen, for his attention was focused on her more. The only bit he did pay attention to, was the mention of betrothal. Ears twitched as he gazed for a brief moment at the russet woman. Would he be betrothed at some point? He wasn't sure how he felt about the idea, and if so, he would not mind perhaps being wedded to the beauty before him. Although he had no idea he was related to her, nor would he care if they were.

"Pandora Artenie," A small smile would play onto his inky lips, the boy approaching closer to the intricately marked female. The gold upon her lids was quite becoming, and there had never been another wolf he had ever seen with such markings or color. Her beauty and divinity was beyond even that of Isardis, and comparing the two, he was no more then a mutt competing against a goddess. The girl would sit then, the sun reflecting the gold that cast upon the blue. It was safe to say he could not take his eyes off of her, and the boldness forever etched within him would seek to know more about her. "Pandora is quite a beautiful name. Befitting of such a beautiful creature like yourself." Ears would twitch at the mention of Isardis, his assumed father. The male would glance at the other pair then, he too noticing that he has been absent. "Father has been quite scarce lately." He would comment, for he had not seen Isardis for quite some time now. Though it was nothing new, the creature seemed to be keeping to himself alot lately, not bothering to integrate himself within the pack it seemed.

Returning his gaze to Pandora, the boy would give a light smile. Tail waving behind him and above his his hips. It seemed he was quite enthralled by her, for there wasn't much that would take his attention away from such a beauty. Charm would begin to squirm its way towards his tongue, for he wanted to get to know the girl that sat before him. He too would take a seat, the tri-colored beast's gaze boring into her own. He did enjoy a game of flirtatious manners, and he could tell she too enjoyed it. "So, tell me. Where do you reside? Perhaps we can...get to know each other in the future?" Words were directed solely at her, voice low enough for only her to hear.
