
You There



3 Years
Extra large
07-02-2014, 06:22 PM

Azalea would only give a single word in response to his question and her tone certainly suggested that he needed to hurry. Not another sound would leave him as he went to turn and find some help though he hadn't even taken a single step before he realised that help was already on the way, at least he hoped it was help. He barely knew his aunt Guinevere and given that he couldn't even be sure what was happening he didn't even know what help he needed to get.

Guinevere seemed to be on a mission of sorts though and Kismet would hang back as she moved inside the den. She wasn't kicked out nor were there any screams for help and he would have perhaps heard his mother's happiness that Guinevere had arrived had it not been for Soren's sudden arrival. "Not what?" He questioned his brother but before either could say anything else their mother was suddenly shouting. It was a suggestion but it sounded more like a demand and given his mother's moods Kismet would simply obey as he nudged his brother away from the den.

The sounds from within the den didn't soothe the boy at all, his mother certainly sounded in pain and though he had his brother at his side now, Kismet still found he couldn't block out the concern he currently felt. A part of him wondered if perhaps he and Soren should go find more help, even Sarak at the very least though he found himself reluctant to move, though he was no help at all he didn't want to stray too far from Azalea now.

It seemed to take forever but finally the sounds of pain would cease and an almost eerie quiet filled the air. He would glance at his brother the concern upon his face though before he could say anything someone would speedily emerge from the den and to his relief it would be his mother. He would rise now, mismatched gaze focussed upon her form though his relief wouldn't last long as he noticed she was being sick. He cared little for the earlier order now and would edge closer to the den once more, though his mother had already entered it again before he got far.

"What's happening? Is mum ok?" He questioned, still hovering at the entrance. Before his aunt could answer however he heard his mother's voice quiet now and more tired sounding than he could recall having heard her before. Without another prompt however he would head inside, gaze falling first to his mother and then swiftly noticing the pups at her side, his new siblings! Surprise would be evident on his features as he stared at them, they were so small, so delicate in appearance.