


06-23-2014, 10:30 AM

Quote:Diana Dietrich-Armada
[Image: 14mcjtj.png]
Quote:The spawn of a queen, she does not lack any beauty, instead honing all she is apt to. Her frame is slender, most of her height held by strong legs, which will begin as stocky little legs as a puppy, eventually lengthening to their full height, a medium thirty-four inches, and weighing one hundred twenty-seven pounds, a lithe framework for a delicate beauty such as she. Each stilt as an adult, will be bound with light muscle, hidden by luscious locks of color.

Momma blessed her with the pelt of a goddess, a base of pure cream tones, which mottle with golden hues and grays, creating a gorgeous landscape of fur, seemingly resembling the brilliant properties of the moon at night and gold, ever glowing, from much grooming in private. Behind her, a brilliant banner sweeps, of pure cream and gold, slightly longer than most character's tails, but nonetheless a gorgeous defect. What is most brilliant of her appearance, is the set of brilliant amethysts set into her sleek visage.
Quote:As a young lady, she will be a pristine pup seeking perfection in both her fair skin and personality, never truly engaging activities, unless they involve the grooming of her pelt, which she enjoys the sensation of a rough tongue rasping over her skin to rid her of any tangles and cowlicks. However, she does enjoy the occasional tussle with her siblings, and dirtying herself as an excuse to groom herself.

When she grows and develops, she will become most like her mother, a born leader, one whom is strong in will and thoughtful. She often seeks guidance from the maiden, and will follow her about for most of her life until about the age of four, when she will perhaps go her separate ways from the pearly queen, seeking her own place in the world, but it just may be at the Tortugan pride as a young warrioress, a new characteristic to her character. She enjoys adrenaline coursing through her veins, but does not find joy in a bloody battle unless deemed absolutely necessary. For her, there will be no emotions of true love displayed to another not of her blood, and reluctant to love, she wishes upon no children, no matter what, though it is much more distant than she perceives it to be.
Quote:Lawful Evil

{ x Words }

Bright amethysts flitted with sleep as she tumbled about the den. "I dun wanna go yet, mum! I wanna get muh fur all prettyed up before wee go out." Dust and dirt clung like fleas to her pearly pelt, as she tumbled yet more to escape the jaws of her pearly dam. She slithered into a dark corner, reclining onto her haunches, shaking her small bodice free of dustiness. Her rough tongue swiped over her fur, freeing any dust and debris from the once tangled mess. Once pristine, confidence swelled her heart full enough to venture outward from the den, feeling sunshine upon her pelt. It was her first day out of the den, and she would enjoy it very much. Many hours spent romping in the dust then cleansing her fur would ensue in the pearly landscape of her dam's lands.


She was warm in the embrace of her mother, and amethyst irises fluttered with heavy sleepiness, curling up tight with her plush tail hiding away her beautiful visage. Suddenly, she awoke, standing on short stilts in a field of lush greenery. From green stems grew vibrant violet flowers, lavenders and bluebells. In the skies fluttered an array of violet butterflies, each wing delicately decorated with white and black. Amethysts flitted about, sweeping across this landscape. It was so... dreamlike... It could not be real, but a fragmentation of her imagination. Each flower was completely new to her, but was so familiar. "What ish thish dreamworld?"
