
I wanna see you bleed



2 Years
07-15-2014, 02:25 PM

the youth wouldnt be kept waiting long, almost instantly another would show. But to her surprise it was someone she had met before; infact meinx and a few older Arcanum members helped take down her siblings. A smirk would tug her lips, watching carefully as the placid babe would approach. " Ah, perhaps if you didn't trespass your brother wouldn't have been so easy to take down by two wolves." Perhaps if they waited to be escorted in everything would have gone more smoothly. She would fight back a sneer, amused by the situation; though would Nephele become the victor? Meinx would shrug, before attempting to make eye contact with the little woman. " Ah well, i cant change the past, now can i?" Meinx would only let moments past before planning to set into action.

Quickly Meinx would set up her defenses- Eyes slit, ears pinned, Legs spread for balance, Hackles raised, tail tucked, muscles tenses, teeth bared, claws dug into ground for more security, legs bent slightly for quicker movement, Brows furrowed, toes spread out slightly. Quickly meinx would aim to close the distance between them head on, though hopefully as meinx nears closer She'll move slightly to the left at the last moment, Bending her legs slightly; hoping to barge her right shoulder forcefully into the right side of Nephs face, aiming near the centre/ her cheek to hopefully hurt her jaw and stun her in the process. Meinx would quickly open her jaws, hoping to grab onto Nephs scruff right at the start/ top where it'll be more thin and delicate. If meinx grabbed the scruff successfully, she'd yank her head upwards to hopefully lift Neph of the floor to make it harder for her to attack. If successful Meinx would attempt to shake her head violently to tear and hopefully hurt her neck with all the shaking.

Meinx Vs Nephele for DOMINANCE round 1 of 2

Defenses: Listed in first few sentences

Attacks: Meinx would aim to close the distance and at the last moment move slightly to the left to hopefully barge her right shoulder forcefully into Nephs right side of her face/ cheek. While doing so meinx attempts to grab right at the start of Nephs scruff to lift her of the ground to make it harder for her to attack, if successful with grabbing scruff meinx will shake her head violently to hurt neph more.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.