
Statecraft (LUDICAEL)

Dutiron i


8 Years
06-23-2014, 05:30 PM

Novel would remain silent at his side now as the both focussed upon Katja as they awaited the female's response. Her initial words would be slightly confusing, if she had wished to there was surely time for her to hear about the other packs, learn more about them before offering an alliance. Dutiron certainly wouldn't question this strange way of business however and would await the rest of her explanation, the far more important details really.

The Xanilov family certainly were not familiar to the man, though of course these famed families of Alacritia were another thing that he had yet to learn about, in time that education would come though apparently beginning now with a mention of the Xanilov line. He wouldn't question any more about the family now though, instead listen as Katja explained more about the pack. He would nod his head gently at the words and mismatched eyes would turn briefly to look to his mate.

The words seemed fair enough, so long as they stayed on the good side of this pack it seemed that things would be ok for them. He certainly had no plans to go looking for trouble though and was sure that his mate and the rest of Ludicael would back him up with that idea and so it seemed likely that they had nothing to worry about with angering Ebony in anyway. He would await Novel's words now though, trusting her instinct as his busy mind continued to quietly assess the opportunity though so far it seemed unlikely that they would find themselves with any negativities arising from this alliance.