
New life for a new day


06-23-2014, 06:49 PM

Her adversary?s insurmountable rage sprouts and festers within the narrow confines of her birthing chambers, and although the intensity of such fury is nearly tangible as the whore?s vehement snarls pollute the atmosphere, the paladin?s features retain their practiced stoicism. The fledgling mother has never once struck fear into the Elysius? core, and is especially undaunting in her current and haggard state as she abandons her dependent newborns to offer their darling aunt an unspoken promise of maltreatment. Her abstract gaze is stagnant upon Devya?s glowering cerulean as the sable witch dares to venture into her proximities with an unyielding demand, though the phantom queen is unflinching throughout the duration of Devya?s livid display. It is only once the mother?s speech concludes that her elongated tail seeks to serpentine around her haunches, flicking idly as a wry grin beguiles her porcelain countenance. ?You?re upset, and wrongfully so,? the wraith croons pointedly, the tips of her sinful incisors peeking from beneath velveteen lips in a deriding manner. ?If I wanted your children dead, they would be dead, my sweet.? Her words are a bedeviled promise upon frayed lips--if Ares had desired no part in the lives of his spawn, the paladin would have terminated them before they had the chance to breathe.

As her brother implants himself between she and her feeble adversary to put a halt to prospective physical conflict, the poisoned smirk only further encompasses her visage, pupils unwavering from Devya?s own--victoriously--until her brother?s suggestion infiltrates the air. Brows furrow in vexation as the phantom?s mismatched gaze searches for her kin?s own lavender, displeasure evident upon her features. ?They are my family,? she informs the brute, eyes narrowing in contempt. ?Are you going to deny me the chance to even look at them?? Her words are a challenge laced with incredulosity--she is enraged to know that even Ares believes her intentions to be malevolent when she has made it quite clear that they are entirely innocent----for now.