
A new Queen is rising


06-23-2014, 07:13 PM

The dame would search for him, but the pale beast was good and sticking to the shadows, to attempt to hide his cursed body. He had caught on to her scent and wanted to find out what she was doing here, if she too was trying to shove herself into their family pack. While they were the same age, him and her were born of two different litters, him more higher than hers. But he did not know her name, her scent was familiar but her face was not. Finally removing himself from where he had hid, revealing his albino body. No emotions seemed to decorate his rather plain face as he approached the woman. His unsaturated eyes were almost unnerving as they studied her form, the gold a tell all sign of the Olympus line.

Apollo eased his form into a seated position, taking in all that there was to see of this woman. His pink tinted tail curled around his equally coloured paws, not a single word slipping passed his lips. Was he coming off as a bit creepy? Probably. He was a standoff-ish male as it was, and he was probably wasn't making it any better for himself. "Forgive me lady as I know you are of my kind, but your name I must say I am blind. Your scent tells a well know tale, of a name that carries much scale. An Olympus you are, as glimmering as a star." He finally graced the silence with his flowing lyrics, his rhyming words flowing like a smooth river. Still no emotion graced his face, a strange picture for one who spoke in such a beautiful tune.

The demons pelt glimmered, bringing more attention to the lack-less colour it held. He had not been blessed with any colour at all, he was in fact a true albino. Champagne notes shone beneath his white coat, sticking out like a sore thumb among everyone else in their bloodline. It was a curse, and his cross to bare. It made him fight and struggle with his faith in the gods, but he was a steadfast warrior. He would not stumble in this battle, he would prove himself to them. Blinking his eyes at the black and gold dame, a crack of a smirk danced upon his lips before it flat lined. Little emotion did this brute ever show, and for good reason. A passionate male hid beneath his steely exterior, as well as a overzealous lover.