
The World At Our Feet



06-24-2014, 01:03 AM

Through the blood and crunching of bones, Armageddon would detect the underlying scent of a familiar. Hardened gaze would scan until he spotted Athena, tongue swiping away the blood that stained them. Tail flickered behind him in the snow, lightly coating his russet and black fur like dozens of tiny spotlights. He would offer a nod to the dame, pearlized teeth flashing in a smile at her words. Of course, he prided himself in his hunting skills among many other things. He was self taught, for those of the pack had taught him nothing.

The boy would motion for her to join him, for he would never refuse good company. "Thank you. It is one of my many skills, after all." He would smile with charm, eyes never leaving her form. He would offer to her his catch, offering the chance to share the meal. Perhaps today would be a change to get to know the wondrous lass that now ruled. And he was glad she did, for she was doing a far better job then he had seen thus far. "Please, share with me. There is far too much for just me to consume, and it is quite a treat. I am sure you will like the rich taste that this meal has to offer." Chivalry was his main trait, and charm his integrated profession. The boy never failed, but there were always times when one wasn't perfect. Even so, he would strive for it regardless. "So tell me, how have you been asides from pack duties?"
