
Stuff to share


06-24-2014, 04:07 AM

G'day! Mind if I share some info, mate?

So, I am Australian! From South Australia to be exact. I am of European background, though family chose to move to Australia because of the communist crisis in Europe. Currently living in the city, I'm with my family and my elderly cat. Here is some more info:

Name: Millie

Gender: Female

Age: 14 in a few more days on the 28th

Hobbies: I am a nerd. Seriously. Apart from swimming racing twice a week, learning two instruments and three languages, I take math classes twice a week and I am ahead of my grade by two years. I study, study, study. But I absolutely love reading (currently reading Lord of the Rings) as well as writing novels, cycling and manga drawing. Though I always cram about one to two hours of studying in each day.

My passions: WRITING! No wonder I came here. Sometimes I look back at the novels I wrote in grade five and stare at it like, "Did I really write this? This is garbage!". I certainly have improved over the years, and I definitely hope role playing will improve those skills too.

Friends: Two that I've stuck with every since grade one. Though everyone else considers me as the useless dork that's pathetic at everything. I tend to be a loner and always bullied constantly over my knowledge and talents.

What I fangirl over: Authors! Yes, that seems so strange, but getting a signature from Isobelle Carmody was so amazing!

Looks: I am a pimple farm. I've tried every cream, nothing works. But on the brighter side I have slow growing blonde hair with blue eyes. In Australia we don't measure in feet or however the Americans say it, six foot four or something like that. We measure in centimeters. I am currently one hundred and sixty three centimeters in height.

Other things?: I hope to leave school with a degree in medicine, have my mind and studying set on dermatology. If that goes alright, perhaps writing can be my second future career?

That is me. I do not have an Australian accent, and quite frankly no-one does in Australia (well in the city). Everyone speaks normally, mate. Any questions? Feel free to ask!