



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-24-2014, 04:34 AM

Pain was just another way to know one breathed. Beauty was something that meant little to Erani. Personal beauty, in any case. She appreciated the beauty of nature, and of her own kind. However, being pretty wasn?t going to staunch a bleeding wound, or cure a vicious ailment. She would sacrifice looks for what was important, and she wouldn't get ruffled by a few new scars. Scars were another thing that came with the mantle of Leadership.

It seemed the blow to her foreleg had repercussions for Viridiana. Erani felt the crimson female?s head recoil as the tooth jarred against her bone; couldn?t really blame her. Teeth were more sensitive than one might think. Erani?s ram of the shoulder to Viridiana?s right side was fielded with skill, as Viridiana?s body arched outward and away from Erani, while the target came closer.

Viridiana seemed to realize her mistake at the last second, and though she tried to correct it, Erani's teeth slammed home. No pleasure coursed through her as her canines tore through Viridiana?s back, from the beginning to the right hip bone. Instead, she attempted to initiate a vicious slash as her jaws pulled free, an attempt to worsen the damage to the right hip, her mind shutting out the taste of blood on her tongue. It was part of her being a healer that she didn?t find pleasure in the hurting of her opponents. Already, a part of her was cataloging what plants would be best to staunch that bleeding. That part of her mind too, was shut away. This crimson hellion was out to kill by now. Erani?s shoulder to the soft area behind Viridiana?s ribs was met by Viridiana?s leaning into the shoulder. Moderate Bruising flowered to gather with the other bruises that had arisen over the course of the battle. She ignored it, and continued to forge on in her battle.

As Erani?s teeth came free, she immediately attempted follow Viridiana?s retreat of the hind end, attempting to keep them in the original position, unwilling to relinquish how they were positioned, though her right shoulder attack collided jarringly against Viridiana?s, leaving yet another bruise, before she continued her attempt to stick with her opponent, attempting to lunge forward against Viridiana?s right hind end. She attempted to snake her head down toward Viridiana?s right hind leg, jaws aiming to snap shut like a trap around Viridiana's hock. Should her attack land, she would attempt to shake her head hard to either side and grind her back teeth on the joint, while simultaneously attempting to suddenly rear her head up and take Viridiana?s leg, and balance, with her, to possibly dislocate the right hind leg from it?s socket, or severely damage the hock she?d hopefully managed to snare.

She was careful to keep an ear and an eye on the area behind her. So as the crimson head snaked toward her flank and stomach, Erani attempted to leap her hind end to her left, away from Viridiana?s questing jaws. She was half way successful. Viridiana?s jaws would taste her blood, but no more than that and s trip of flesh, as the crimson jaws clasped and pulled away a bite of her flesh from her right side, leaving a three inch long, half inch deep gash behind. It would hurt later; adrenalin and a strong mind helped to shut it away for the time being. Blood splattered the churned slush of snow beneath their paws. Bloody snow slush splattered upward as Viridiana?s paw missed its mark as Erani?s hind legs danced out of that danger as she attempted to bring herself and Viridiana into an L pattern. Should she have her opponent's leg in her jaws, she would abruptly yank her jaws away, leaving them just parted enough to cause severe damage with her canines as they parted company from the leg. (If she had it.)

Erani abruptly attempted to slam her weight forward, as her paws landed squarely underneath her as she attempted to ram into Viridiana?s right hind flank with her chest, intending to ram her off balance, and to possibly further any damage dealt to the right hind leg's joints from her possible grasp.

Her hackles were fully extended and raised, her ears flattened, eyes squinted, though one watched Viridiana closely through her narrowed lashes. Her tail remained tucked to protect it from grabbing, her abdomen tensed, joints loose for movement, while her hind legs locked for strong forward propulsion. Her toes were spread, balancing her, claws extended to gain traction of the earth and sleet below, while her chin tucked, her shoulders rolled forward, and the scruff on her neck rolled over her neck in a protective barrier of fur and thick skin.

Off in the far back of her head, she wondered why it seemed Valhalla was the target of so much mischief. Was it because of their apparently harmless nature? The fact that they helped those they could, whether or not they were strangers or close friends? More than ambition drove this crimson female; hate was written in every line, voiced in every snarl. But why on earth was there hate to begin with? She?d have liked to get to the bottom of this, but she highly doubted this female was in any mood to sit down and talk at the end of this ordeal. Perhaps Friction, this females brother, would be able to shed some light on this. But perhaps not. Perhaps he was just another wolf involved in all of this. Might explain why his scent was absent, among other Valhallans. Under her silence, a ripple of annoyance ans sadness creased through her mind before the cold calm settled again. It was part of her Redwood training, this silent acceptance of any injury she received. No cries left her jaws when the painful hits landed. No snarls rumbled in her chest when she attacked. Just silence. Never giving a hint of what she intended to do next. Just silence.

Fight Stats

Round: 3 of 4

Defenses: Hackles raised, tail tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrow, and one eye watching Vi, and an ear listening. Balanced stance, spread toes and extended claws for balance and traction. Tensed abdominal muscles, loose joints, and locked hind legs for forward propulsion. Tucked chin, rolled shoulders, scruff rolled up over her neck.

Attacks: Attempting to lunge and snatch Vi's right hind hock in her jaws; should it land, she will try to shake her head hard from side to side and grind her back teeth on the joint. Attempting to rear her head suddenly to pull Vi's right hind leg up with her, and unbalance her. | Attempting to cause further damage to Vi's right hind leg by suddenly wrenching her jaws away slightly parted to cause severe damage with her canines (Move only happens if she managed to grab the leg in the first place.)Attempting to ram her chest into Vi's right flank to unbalance her

Injuries: Previous injuries from previous rounds stacked on with: Bruising to her right shoulder. continued bleeding from right foreleg wound. Three inch long, half inch deep gash from lost flesh on right side, bleeding moderately.

Out Of Character Notes: There were a few confusing spots, but I haven't been on the computer in the last... ohhh, four days? So I came in at a time when Dee wasn't on, and my skype is being too laggy to use. (Computer froze when I opened it o.o) Also I had like eight hours to get the post done, proofed, and up. Next round will hopefully be... omg next round is the last round! woo we're almost done! And then the wait for the verdict will begin. Give me a message if you have trouble.