
I thought you were dead...


05-15-2013, 07:25 PM

Oxia watched as his sister sat there looking at him, just as shocked as he was. His eyes looked over his younger sister, she was thin, very thin. This concerned Oxia, since she was small as it is already. His attention was drawn from his mind and back at his sister who was running at him. She spoke saying she thought he was dead, and frankly he thought the same thing for her. She nuzzled his neck she barley came up to half of him, she was small. Oxia lowered his head and nuzzled his sister back, his tough came out and slid across her head. He was happy to see her.

He did not speak much just looked over his sister, this was all dream like. He then begun to clean her up a bit, remove the matted hair and dirt that had been on her blond pelt.
"I thought the same for you sister. I tried to fight them off the best i could but i was weak then. No matter you are here now, and safe that is all that matters." He said as she continued to clean her off. He had missed her so much, and now that she was back Oxia would not let anything happen to her again. He had gotten much bigger and stronger since that day.

He had finished cleaning her off, her fur looked much better, but it showed even more as to how slender she was. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he was full of sorrow for her.
"Sister, why are you so slender, what happened to you." He said looking into her eyes. He could still see the terror and fear with in her, oh how he wished that he could have helped her then, and saved her then none of this would have happened.
