



6 Years
06-24-2014, 12:22 PM
The ebony fae looked to him and shook her head, "Pardon, I am only just thinking about my pack, nothing to worry about my friend." She exclaimed with the same compassionate and friendly smile on her maw. The cold soon began to enter the den, but it was still warm and comfortable inside. Her emerald pools looked into his eyes and she stayed cool and composed like before. "I know you think that your pack would not care if you left, but I hope that they show kindness to you since you showed kindness to me. My pack would not care if I did not come back, but, I wish you well," she said, she knew they were going to be stuck here for a little while, so she might as well talk to him to fill the silence that had been surrounding the den, other than the whistling of the wind from the blizzard.

She would look to the sky as she could hear the words of some of the males telling her that she was too kind and good to be in Glaciem. She had been like that all her life, and she thought she was the only kindness that her pack had, but she was glad there were a few kind wolves in her new family that would at least show her compassion and keep her from feeling lonely and keeping the streak of her own life from being uncontrollable to controllable.

"Hopefully you will be able to keep from being hungry for a while. Due to this blizzard, there might not be much food to get since the elk have been moving onward down to warmer regions," She exclaimed since she knew they would have been moving on because of the elk, and she smiled and looked back to Chrono, "Can you handle it?"