
The Swaying Grasses



05-03-2013, 06:03 AM


Orica had been playing outside with her Papa. Outside! It was so huge! All she'd known for so long was her mother's warm, cuddly belly and the stone walls of the pack cave, and now there was a great wide empty for her to explore. No walls. No roof. No limit to the sights and scents and sounds.

The little pup was doing her best to process it- but it wasn't easy. Those dark blue eyes of hers widened more and more with every step. The air had just begun to get nippy again. Her father had been trying to explain that in only a month or so the whole world was going to turn as white as their mother's tail tip. Orica wasn't sure she could beleive it. Did the world do that? Just - change colors whenever it felt like it? So much to learn....

Somewhere along the way, her Papa had stopped and looked over towards the tussocks of tundra grass. Orica felt his mammoth paw giving her a nudge. "Why don't you go say hi to Uncle Rogue" he'd suggested. Orica had seen nothing over there, her eyes were still getting used to distances. But she toddled off faithfully, nearly tripping over her large paws every couple of steps.

As she got closer she did indeed see a wolf - black and white and big - though not nearly as big as her Papa. She'd seen her Uncle Rogue a few times in the cave - but never really said anything. She was a very busy lady what with all the wrestling with siblings and taking naps and pouncing on Mama's tail.

"Helloooo!" She cried. Her nose lifted up into the air, her tail wagged happily. "Papa says you're my Nuncle! But what is a nuncle? And wow-!" she gasped on getting a look at the scar on his chest fur. "How'd you get that pretty pink line?"
