
Our land is pure


06-24-2014, 05:06 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2014, 05:12 PM by Liberty.)

The meeting had not gone as smoothly as she would have liked, but she had gained very important knowledge because of it. Athena, along with Vereux, were the Glaciem alphas now, and Isardis was still alive. It brought her great relief to know the king had survived his illness, she had thought he was dead due to being gone for more than an entire season. She loved Isardis dearly, and thought of him almost everyday while tending to her pack duties. Even Ramses knew of her soft spot toward the king, and now that he had returned... she was plagued by him. Her mind was reeling, she wondered if he would be returning for good, if he was still sick at all, or if she finally had a chance with him now... but her thoughts would be interrupted by the summons of Vereux, his voice ringing out across the territory with urgency. He held as much authority as Athena did now, and so she would be quick to pivot toward his direction and take off through the snow to answer his call. Ramses would follow directly after her, aiming to stay on her heels as the duo fled across the blanketed snow, reaching their newly appointed king within a few minutes. She aims to approach him head on, Ramses coming to stand beside her left as she dips her head to greet the king. "What do you need?" She inquires with soft tones, curiosity gleaming within her azure eyes as she waits for his response.
