
That's what I like about you...


06-24-2014, 05:40 PM

The exploration of Arcanum had become a lot to the young Artenie. She had grown weary from trying to find the deep and dark crevices of the packlands, just in case she would need them. As the day descended into night, she found herself outside of an abandoned den. It was placed on the outskirts of the Orchard, where the sweet fruit smells stayed despite the frozen weather. The warmth she received from the spacious den was too much for her. Sleep overcame her and she accepted its generous blanket.
Before too long, Pandora was dreaming. She was walking through a familiar set of woods -- Soulless Forest, it seemed -- and she was doing something important. Was it searching for food? No, that wasn't it. Could it have been her looking for herbs? No, no, no. That involved dirt and she didn't like getting messy. Perhaps it was...patrolling? Yes, that was the only thing! What else could she do for her aunt that didn't require much sweat and dirt? She was making sure no one would get in. Totally selfless, on Pandora's part.
The perfect combination of Taurig and Maija Artenie continued to walk through the forest, searching for a soul that wasn't even there. Fog had surrounded the trees at various levels, including the ground Pandora walked upon. Her blue eyes stuck out like lanterns and she was able to see with a purity no one else could meet. Her steps were slow and she continued to walk in that dream, not knowing what her brain would conjure up.
