
Our land is pure


06-24-2014, 05:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2014, 05:43 PM by Liberty.)

A single green orb would glance between the duo before resting upon her azure eyes, audits perked forward atop her skull as she listenes to the king with interest evident in her features. He mentions training, and immediately she scoffs in response and her brows furrow in amusement. Has the king forgotten his siblings disinterest in training? Had he not seen their futile attempts at training the youth even while Isardis was still king? "I am honored, Vereux, but the problem does not lie within the mentor- it lies within your blood. Your siblings, this family, they seem to have no interest in perfecting their skills other than filling their bellies with meat we retrieve. They are too consumed in their daddy issues to see Isardis has built this pack for us. Where has their loyalty gone? Do you believe it will reside with you? Athena? Or will they fall prey to their jealousy and hope for the day your crown slips from your head?" She pauses momentarily to allow this information to sink in, all while Ramses watches the king with an unwavering eye. "Before we begin with training we must separate the dedicated from the untrustworthy. Any disloyal members should be evacuated at once- and those whom want to make Isardis proud, make you proud, will stay here and vigorously train. We will rebuild this empire, Vereux, and we will not let it fall apart again."

"Her Speech" "His Speech"