
That's what I like about you...



5 Years
Extra large
06-24-2014, 05:54 PM

The tall brute would find his day coming to a close, his form wuld find its way into his lover's den, their tiny pups still grouped by her side. Their tiny forms would suckle greedily, and his tongue would rasp over the both of them before he would come to surround the beautiful Othello. Vibrant yellow eyes would come to a close, his head laying protectively upon her shoulder. Thoughts would begin to drift and with out even a notice the man would find himself in a world of dreams.
A forest would surround him, the trees reaching into the sky before him as he would walk through. He thought he might have been dreaming, but he was unsure. As he would continue, his vibrant almost glowing gaze would come to rest on a form he'd not seen in some time. He could feel the familiar tugs of lust for the girl that had defied him once already. Mostly because of the red queen, why was she always denying him sex. Even when she did not control the body he desired she would still keep him from his release.
Scorpion would stride forward, confidence evident within his posture. Dream or not she wasn't going to get away this time. It was his dream and he would get exactly what he'd desired. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" He felt particularly attracted to her as he stood there, being denied by his queen had been frustrating, and without Othello able to take his frustrations he would become particularly glad to see her pristine form.
