
That's what I like about you...


06-24-2014, 06:12 PM

Arcanum was a pack whose lands dare not be crossed. Pandora had learned that from her mother, but despite knowing it, she wasn't as devoted as Maija was. The yearling was more inclined to being devoted to herself, fulfilling needs that hadn't been met in a matter of speaking. In her dream, she was fresh from a bath and endless hours of grooming. She had laid down each piece of fur with care, intending to make herself look thinner in various places. Vanity was her strong suit, not to mention a vulnerable piece of herself as a whole.
As she walked through the eerie, foggy forest, she caught the scent of someone familiar. At first, she was caught off guard, for it had been quite some time since she had laid eyes or nose on the male. His voice carried through the fog as his lantern eyes gave his position away. A smirk appeared on her face after her vast recovery before she sauntered in his direction.
She broke through the fog with it slowly rolling away from her cobalt blue frame. Golden markings continued to vibrantly glow as she slowly approached with a flicking tail behind her. "If I had known I was going to affect you in such a way without actually doing anything, I should have been around longer." A glint in her eyes twinkled as she watched his facial reaction. "Lately, I have enjoyed making others ache. I seem to be really good at that."

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