
bloodstained piano keys



5 Years
06-24-2014, 06:44 PM

A flicker of movement, the barest traces of ebony and ivory fur against the snowy backdrop caught her attention. Anger radiated from the coat of the smaller wolf, and only a profile shot of the stranger's face was offered, but it was a dainty face, delicate and simmering with rage. A tiny, sly grin toyed with her inky lips as she looked at the woman. A brow would quirk upward, crown tilting to one side curiously. "Why's a pretty face like that wearing such an angry expression, hm?" She would inquire in a rough, amused tone. The ebony outlined tracery of wicked curves and sharp lines surrounding her left eye remained undisturbed, the lighter pigment within making her cornflower optic stand out even bolder against the broad planes of her face. Her thick plume twitched upon the warped floorboards, the tip flicking upwards lazily like that of a feline.
This strange little woman didn't look like the kind to fall for her charms, but it never hurt to try. Her broad frame would shift so her body was facing the stranger a little more, her gaze focused a little more on her. "Care to talk about it?" She would inquire, her voice taking on a tone that could be considered impassive, but gentle and tender wasn't her specialty. At least, not with grown wolves. Pups were a different story. However, while this she wolf was petite, she had curves to her and a sweet musk that the Viking princess could smell from here. Her gaze would remain fixed on the stranger, but the need to push for information was not there. She was a little too tired to feel the need to impose of invade personal space, should she at some point feel inclined. Her breath wafted about her face in a thin silvery cloud, making the severe mark upon her face look a little less startling if anything.
