
That's what I like about you...


06-24-2014, 07:15 PM

As it was a dream, reality was non-existent. The sparks that wouldn't normally be seen in real life was now obvious in her dream, for she could see the display like fireworks. She was more than happy to admire how they rose and fell in the air with each touch he gave. The ripples of her shivers from where he touched her were given off in colors of vibrant gold and white, obviously showing her early signs of pleasure.
Scorpion whispered in her ear, making her softly tremble even more. She was enjoying the effects of him enticing her, showing that he was, indeed, an expert. After all, he was married, had pups...who's to say he wasn't smart with the moves? Whoever said it would be wrong. She leaned into him as he walked up to her side, causing more friction to occur between the conflicting pelts. Colors rose and fell around them in silent unison as her eyes met his. Her heart worked harder to pump the blood to her skin as prickles continued to rise and fall in small waves.
Her tongue left her mouth so she could gracefully lick the electric fur standing up around his neck. Light nibbles were given to his vulnerable neck as she moved around to rub herself against him. Her Romanian accent became deeper as she walked against his side, returning the bites that he had given her along his spine. Once she reached his tail, she nipped and tenderly licked the base connecting to his spine before pulling back from where she had considered going. Pandora looked at him over one of her decorated shoulders, seductive smile on her lips as she slowly blinked before retorting, "Experts must teach those who have yet to master the skill...unless you are too heartless to prove your worthy?" Her tail lightly bounced against his forearm, causing more sparkles to appear in the air.
