
of mice and men


06-24-2014, 08:17 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2014, 08:17 PM by Tyrion.)

His eyes had opened yet nothing was scene. Things were heard. Voices of two females. His mum was the large one and his sister was the small one. Yet, he would never be able to see them. He relied on their comforting scents and delightful voices. They spoke of sight, how they could see things. Yet, his mother did explain, that his eyes did not work like theirs. But, he was no less of a Wolf. What did a Wolf look like? What did he look like? His fur was puffy and brown, yet he would never be able to see. Green eyes were constantly wide but they were fogged and he had no pupils. A sign of blindness that was common. Though, they were always wide, as if one day he would be able to see. The thoughts were not as in depth due to his young age. He did not truly understand why he was the way he was. Nor, did he care in the most. The boy would still have fun.

The air was brisk yet his little paws met the ground with little caution. He was quiet, yet quite the adventurer. He wobbled blindly through the entrances of the cave. His nose was pointed forward to make sure he did not run into anything. He had yet to make the great adventure of running outside. His little tail wagged as he moved further and further out. His mouth hung open to taste the clean air. He felt tired of being in the den with his mum and sis. He wanted to have some fun! A little yip would be heard as he began to ran. He wobbled and leaped as he did so but he was terribly unaware of the dangers ahead. As he moved further out the little boy ran into what was supposivly a bush. He dove face first into it. The boy huffed and fell back onto his rear. Ty got back onto his paws and took a few steps back with a weary look on his little face. The boy then turned and began to slowly wobble back where he came from, still with a lovely smile upon his innocent features.
