
Enzo's Siblings~


06-24-2014, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2014, 07:33 AM by Impra.)
Name: Eero (Pronounced as Aero)
Gender: Male
A mock of his family, he is, most dominantly his father, whom his kin, Enzo, has also taken after, boasting a glorious flank of the brilliance of the sun. Each hair of fur is mottled with golds and tans, a shimmering display for any others not of his bloodline. In his well-chiseled visage, lie two shimmering gems of a rich yellow, nearly orange, as if it were the dying sun. A male lion would not hold such magnificence if he did not boast a full mane of many colors. About his face, the hair is still highlighted in gold, but it fades to a deep chocolate color, wrapping about his neck, and his chest like a scarf, extending toward his shoulders slightly. At the tip of his long banner, is a plush plume of the same dark chocolate coloration found in his mane. He is not without size, standing at the same height as his kin, at a large forty-seven inches, weighing a massive four hundred pounds, apt for the title of an African Lion.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
No such thing as control over the brujo exists, him purely of strong will and will stubbornly ignore one's rule over him, and is not afraid to slaughter a wolf to prove it. He is one to be vain, yet he is close to a respectable creature, with well-created manners, as well as a sense of valor, found in war. If a character is endangered, and is one who is not associated with the brujo as an enemy or foe, he will certainly lend a helping paw, but if one is associated as an enemy, he will attempt to rip a bigger hole for the victim to fall though ? metaphorically speaking of course ? and will bring it upon himself to create a miserable ending for the creature.

Gain his trust, and you will have gained a powerful and strong-willed ally, one that is of some loyalty, and of much bravado, one who carries himself as a sort of vagabond, all-knowing that he is rare and unique in the lands of Alacritia, and is one of a kind, along with his siblings. Perfection is desired, and is achievable by this brujo's standards.

Roleplay Sample:
He was a king. A needle sticking out of a smooth sheet of fabric, higher than any other in power and authority. His crown, a glorious mane of gold, and a shimmering pelt of gold. He was the perfect embodiment of the fabled King Midas, a lord whom could turn anything he touched into gold. His powerful frameworking would bulge from the darkness, pads rising and falling upon the ground in a perfect rhythm. Behind him, a glorious banner of color swept, a thick flame of darkness bellowing at the tip. Sharp, angular orbs of gold shimmered in his sockets, a sight to behold by many. He was Midas. There would be no exceptions made to the royal's blood, and soon he would be one to behold, emerging from the darkness with grace. His era was yet to begin, impending. He and his blood's rule would come to reign over a pride of territory. He was a hidden empire waiting to be built up to the skies...

The felidae creature savored his fantasies, those apt to being realities in some time, with the help of the many canines roaming the terra firma. Golden gems swept past a river, of which he had been striding past, in a sauntering motion of pure relaxation. "Even ruling a kingdom of wolves would satisfy me... but an empire... Our aspirations will be achieved then..." Rumbling from deep within his chest and eliciting from inky lips, the lyrics were of deep bass and baritone. Easily, with his prowess and skill in battle, he would be able to muster an empire, for him and his blood, Enzo amd Elsa. It was time, indeed. There would be no more waiting. The feline creature shook his crown once before he began to saunter along the riverside once more, powerful pads pounding on the soft mud. His dark flame bellowed at the tip of his glorious banner, as he would seemingly disappear into the shade, in spite of his sun-kissed cloak.

Future Plans?: We already talked about thisss
Can you pay for them?: I BELIEVE!
Other Info I should know: IM DONE

Oh, and you are fab~