
When Did It All Go Wrong


06-24-2014, 09:12 PM

The male before would seem to be going through a range of emotions. He was no different then her, it seemed. And it would become apparent in this meeting, little did she know he had gone through the same as she. Except her first love, was now dead. Her head would shake at his first response, a light smile coming to her delicate features. "It is no problem at all, sir. I have time, and nowhere to go." She lightly laughed for a second, emphasizing that she was okay with him talking should he choose to do so. Fortunately, he would choose to do so. She smiled back at him, her haunches finding the snowy ground as her tail wrapped neatly around silvery paws. The snow reflected off the silvery white mask on her face, bringing out her bright blue eyes more.

She listened intently, both ears towards him as she watched him speak. There was evident pain in his eyes, troubled thoughts swimming in his soul. And his words? Etched with the obvious pain, the same pain she felt. She felt her heart go out to him, the girl biting her lip as if to keep herself from having an outburst at the situation. She would allow him to continue his story, brows furrowing at his sad tale. How could someone break the heart of someone as sweet as him? He didn't seem like a bad person, unless he was throwing up some facade and really was a horrible creature, but she could feel in her heart he was not. She could see it in his eyes, and hear it in his voice. He was far from a bad person...

He finished his tale, then giving a name. Day...she silently mouthed the word. She liked it. His name was easy to remember, and she was sure his personality was as bright as the daylight sun. Perhaps one day she would get the chance to see it, but for now, she would do her best to try and cheer him up. Strangers or not, she would aim to be his friend and do her best to cure his broken heart. Although if it were anything like her own heart, there really wasn't any least, not that she knew of. Medicine and herbs could only go so far, and she had no clue if there was any sort of cure for a broken heart. She dipped her head to him, once again gazing at him before introducing himself. "Day, it is nice to meet you. You may call me Pacifica, a pleasure sir." She seemed to almost bow her head to him, eyes gazing with kindness. She wondered if she should tell him about her own experience, and figure why not? He had shared with her, it was only fair.

"I too, have a story of my own. Upon coming to these lands, I had met a Seracian male...our first meeting was quite..interesting. Shortly after, I joined his pack. Not long after that, things...happened. War. He went, and I never saw him for months...when he finally came back, something was different...I don't know what happened to him, but..not long after he..." She wasn't sure if she could continue her sentence. The pain was growing, the memories vivid in her mind. Tears would well up in her eyes, and slowly would stream down her face. She looked down at the ground, embarrassed. "I heard he was dead...he was so close...and he just..." It was true. Pontifex had decided he didn't want to keep going anymore. And as much as she loved him, it seemed her untold feelings were not enough for the male. She glanced up at Dayton, the pain evident as it flowed through her now. The woman unable to hold it back any longer. She had held it in for so long, it now poured. "When he came back...he was so different. So...broken. Something changed in him, and although I didn't know alot about him...but..." She wasn't sure what else to say, wasn't sure exactly why she had fallen in love with Pontifex. But love didn't need a reason, it had just happened. I-I'm sorry..." She shook her head in silence, a low murmur in her voice.
