
That's what I like about you...


06-24-2014, 10:41 PM

Her vibrant eyes closed as he moved his way up from where he stood. Tongue and mouth moved across her hips, spine, ribs, up to her shoulders where her design shimmered in the moonlight. It took all she had to keep her up guard, but she knew that he was slowly breaking through the shell. Maija's side of her would not back down, especially when she had come so far. Then again, his touch felt soooo gooood, she didn't know how long it would last.
The flames turned violet as he began to groom her fur, something no one else had done except her parents at puppyhood. She took in another deep breath, enjoying the touch that he bestowed upon her royal form. Her tail lazily swept behind her as she let him work on her sensitive area between her shoulder blades. She lightly nipped at his right foreleg, licking the inside of it before nuzzling a spot higher than that. Finally, she opened her eyes and the flames around them had turned a brilliant shade of maroon and white. Her flame color and his combined...they looked marvelous in the night.
She gently moaned, knowing that he would probably react the same way he had before. Softly, she began to hum from his attention and as he moved his way down her spine to prepare himself, she nipped at his tail before whispering, "Call me Pandora..." Her body shivered all over, making the white flames dance bigger and higher than before. Her tail gently swept to the side, touching his own appendage and loosely wrapping around it. It was the only command she would give him.
