
That's what I like about you...



5 Years
Extra large
06-24-2014, 11:22 PM

He would feel with the intensifying shivers beneath him that she would begin to crack. He was pushing her, hard, she wasn't as willing as eager as he'd anticipated. At the same time she showed him how much she was enjoying his simple touch. She would also chip away at his resolve. Her breathy gasps goading him on. She would return his affections before finally gifting him with a needy moan. His teeth that had been gently playing at her shoulders would sink into her scruff. She would nip at him playfully, "Call me Pandora..." The flames would lick around them dangerously as he growled deep within his chest. The sound echoing from him and into their entwined bodies. She would feel her eager shivers and would watch as the fire danced around them violently. She would come to support his weight, her tail would speak for her. The limb encouraging him, asking him wordlessly to finally end her agony. He would growl, his hips would move to align with her glorious pair. His teeth would relinquish grasp of her but for a moment, "Remember the name Scorpion when you feel the need to scream." Again he would take her roughly by the scruff and shove...--
Othello would move beside him, disturbing his frame and waking him completely. Her delicate form would lay before him, their children nestled at her bosom. His vibrant yellow gaze would blink, a sigh slipping from his jaws as he lay his head back down entirely dissapointed.
