
Like moths to a flame


06-25-2014, 01:56 AM

"'swear, I'sup 'ere somewhere! I buried it...uh...somewhere..."

Zlata smiled as she followed the little bi colored feline around the serpent plains. It seemed he had led her all over Alacritis at this point, searching for an old relic that he had lost when he was with his family long ago. The silver girl was just happy to get her mind off of her troubles for a while and help her little friend with his problem.

When the boy stopped, the girl's ebony auds would perk forward, curious to see if he had actually found it. Instead, he would dig up an old rabbit bone and sigh in frustration. She had to smile at his commitment.

"Gendry, maybe your family came back and got it? It may have been just as important to them, you know. " Her mercury orbs would sparkle at the boy in admiration, when suddenly her focus would change.

Another wolf was nearby; she could smell him. Instinctively her eyes would dart to her feline friend with worry. He wasn't safe here, even with her there to protect him. They should leave...

"Nah it's just a rope thing I use-ta wear round my neck, with a dingy thing on it...stay 'ere I'ma find it." He would say to her before running off meters into the distance.

Zlata would nod quickly, glad that he had an excuse to run off. The silver girl would raise her head, looking over the tall grasses of the field for whatever stranger she scented on the wind. She might as well find him and keep him from going after Gendry however she could.

She spotted the ivory man with little trouble at all. He hadn't noticed her yet, but the girl would saunter over to him with a soft and friendly smile on her face, announcing her presence so as not to startle him. "Hello! I'm Zlata!" She would introduce herself, hoping not to intrude on whatever private thoughts he may have been having. It was always better to initiate though, she thought.
