
save me



2 Years
06-25-2014, 02:04 AM

He could feel the warmth creeping through his veins, a healthy warmth that filled his revitalized his body. It was far different to the heat of sickness that had once been in his place. His limbs still felt weak yet there was an urge to dance and run in his muscles, to fully stretch as he had not been able to in a long time. Perhaps this was a little add to the devotion that had already tied him to this woman, the knowledge that she had freed him and brought him back to health. He had never felt so tied to another before, so willing to tighten his own leash to this woman. Sure, he had felt protective to his family, to Twig but not to the degree that told him to hold on to and trust Vi, to fully trust her with his fate and future.

?Then I?m glad I can give you that comfort? he said simply, as she spoke of leaning on him. That was what he was here for, to ease some of the responsibilities of leadership, to be someone she could lean against ? her knight in shining armor as he jokingly referred to himself as. ?I am, I?m more at home here? he would say, unafraid to admit the ties he had created to Covari.

The woman would stretch out her body, her back arching in a perfect, mouthwatering formation as her lean body tightened about her chest and shoulders with the arch, displaying her figure freely before him. It was a distraction from her words, meaning that trickled slowly through his mind as he watched her and his maw would open and a reply would flutter free. ?You? he would answer unthinkingly and his eyes would widen, as he quickly back peddled. ?That?s to say, Covari ? not to own her, but to look out for this pack of yours. This place has become my home, and ill take what station I earn, don?t feel you have to freely give one to me for tagging along. I?m here to help ease your burdens how I can.? he would flash that crooked smile her way with these words. ?I?m your knight in shining armour, remember??
