
Du vent, des mots

Dutiron i


8 Years
06-25-2014, 02:14 AM

The words to be honest were perhaps somewhat expected. Dutiron hadn't actually yet had the chance to reunite with Symphony and fully catch up upon her life since leaving Ahlon. Novella had mentioned bits and pieces about all in the family but whilst she had been very excitable, she certainly wasn't as clear in her story telling as he was. He would forgive her for that and try now to hide his shock as he realised yet another of his children had grown up and begun a family of her own. A fact like that did make someone feel a little old. Three of his children, he could only hope that Symphony and Lyric would never face the abandonment that Song had instead lead a happy life with their chosen mates like he and Novel.

Now though the man found himself not entirely certain what to say. The news perhaps would have been better coming from his daughter herself and not this man who was practically a stranger to him. He would keep his calm head in order however, much as he had upon Cherokee's brief introduction and visit. It was a little easier to do now though knowing that at least this time the rest of his family had also been around as well to look out for Symphony. Of course at this point he had no idea that some of the family hadn't been quite so pleased to welcome Gitan into their lives.

"Well then, that changes things a little." He commented simply, neither words nor expressions giving away his feelings just yet. "This does make you a part of the family as well. So it seems there is yet more family to bump into around here." There would be a brief pause before he spoke the words and a smile growing across his muzzle as he went back to Gitan's previous statement about Destructions being everywhere. The other man would have the benefit of the doubt for now though if he ever dared to hurt his daughter then Dutiron wouldn't be quite so forgiving. "And rather like myself. I am only a Destruction through the marriage to Symphony's mother, Novel." Gitan may have not taken the name for himself like Dutiron had though it didn't really lessen the fact that this now meant he was family.