
A new Queen is rising


06-25-2014, 02:52 PM

He had accepted his place, he had succumb to the pressure of their family and agreed that he was indeed a flaw in their otherwise perfect blood. The pale mane would ask her opinion, and whether or not really wanted an answer she didn't know, or care. Lowering himself to the ground, he was still larger than her, not by much, but enough for her to notice. I see a man with the chance to make something great. I see a man who is not a flaw in our perfected blood, but a gift from the gods." The dark temptress would lean forward, her hot breath teasing his flesh.

It would be only a mild surprise that their family would be so close. He would ask if she wanted to join and a shrug would lift her shoulders though a wicked grin curled her dark lips. "I've considered it. But how do I know you won't just feed me to them?" It was an honest question, but honesty was buried heavily beneath the soft coo of seduction and lust. Her gaze would not leave his even as a ivory paw reached out to brush against her leg lightly. His question would pull her closer, eyes darkening with wicked intent. "That is not an offer I would not turn down" Lips would curl into a smirk, delight twinkling in her indigo eyes, plans forming in the back of her mind.

This could be exactly what she needed to get into the pack and infiltrate their ranks. The plus side was that her partner wasn't too bad looking despite his supposedly curse. The risk was high, but it appeared as though he was more than willing to take the risk with her. Pleasure rippled down her spine, determination settling in her chest as eyes danced with premature victory. This was the first step on her very long and blood journey.
