
Im just the same as I was


06-25-2014, 08:19 PM

It had been forever since she visited Covari. Russet limbs would carrying her towards the range, a small smile playing on her lips. She would pause briefly at the border, verdant gaze sweeping the familiar lands. A bark would leave her maw, announcing her presence before taking a slow step into the range. She knew that Vi and her had an agreement about entering each others packlands, a right that was reserved solely for them and a few others. A familiar cologne would fill her nose, pulling her in an entirely different direction. Paws would press silently into the ground as the Queen followed him silently. Thick plume swayed idly behind her as his familiar pelt came into view. She would follow silently until he noticed her presence, no matter how long it took. A smirk continued to play on her lips, tattered ears standing at attention. If he took too long then she wound bound forward, aiming to bump her shoulder against his hip. She had missed him, and hadn't seen Cru since the cure was found. She had heard Vi made him Alpha, but hadn't come to congratulate him until now.

"Talk" "You" Think