


06-25-2014, 11:24 PM

ooc;; set after Valhalla challenge (keeping outcome vague for that reason but just a quick post), she knows she's trespassing? Visiting a grave ;D someone can come view but she won't be stopping.

Her vision was cloudy and hazy, movements a stagger to the point where she could barely keep herself upright. She felt? Woozy? Blood still flowed freely from her spine and yet she had not stopped to see her comrades, she had not stopped to see Sibelle and her fight. No. Something dragged her forward. She had to go. She had to do this. her mouth tasted foul, harsh like copper and yet she would not swallow, saliva dripping in stringy globs from her lips, tinted red. It was all for him? For possibly the first time in her life she paid no mind to the scent markers and moved right by. She knew this areas too well? She had buried him here after all. She would continue until she hit the slight uphill and then the den that Kylar had brought her to to show her where his children had been born. Vixe was buried directly to the right. She would only stop when he paws came to the once upturned dirt she had dug for him almost a year ago now. So long ago and yet the wounds felt all too fresh. For a moment she would stand, neck arched as she gazed down at the snowy ground. There would be plants growing there now, feeding off the nourishment from his body? Was he still down there? Trapped within his own rotting remains until he became one with the earth or had his spirit traveled on to join the goddess?

Finally jaws would part and sticky saliva would roll off her tongue, gobs of semi clotted blood dripping from her tongue where she had collected it. She had collected it throughout her battle. As well there was a fresh wound on her right forelimb not caused from the battle that also bled freely. She had added that blood to the mixture. Tongue would lash and roll back in her throat, flicking at the back of her throat until stomach convulsed and the contents were emptied on the pure white snow. Blood, flesh and her last meal were there as well as the black bile that filled her stomach. "I only wish? I could have brought you more?" She whispered to his grave, hoping that perhaps he might be able to hear her. Lantern gaze would close momentarily, tears beginning to burn in the backs of her eyes but she would not let them fall. No. He deserved so much more? She would not let him see her cry so with that the red woman would turn, draw in a deep breath and follow her tracks back out. She still did not know her standing here and she was in no state to fight. Yes? It was time to go home?

-exit vi-