
In Disbelief, I Didn't Know (EBONY)



11 Years
06-26-2014, 12:15 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2014, 02:15 AM by Bane.)
The howl echoed across Ebony. And Bane heard it. As much as it pissed him off he definitely heard it.?His family had been here four season plus change, and already there had been four meetings. Either it meant instability or just that his pups kept being called away. Bane would pin his ears and give a frustrated whine whenever that happened, but this meeting was different. It was not Raisa that called, but Katja. Something had happened. Though how dire the elder couldn't say. His sons situated in front of him looked at their father, Kailos shifting on his paws eagerly, Jakart giving a tilt of his head in the direction of the call, Nako's ears splayed flat in annoyance. Bane sighed and made for the meeting grounds. Every jumped up shit with a high rank was throwing howls about Ebony it seemed...

The four wolves left the lake in a hurry, the field of boulders in the distance eyed for the shifting forms of packmates. A few were there already. Bane huffed as he took the lead ahead of his sons, through the mountain forest to it's thinning edge when the rock field began. The boulders were meandered through, Bane checking regularly to see if Kailos was still keeping up with them. The sounds of the meeting and greeting of wolves were heard up ahead. His family was sought after, the pale wolf finding Tahlia and her two daughters already here. The four males all made their way to them, Bane giving a nip on his mates ear as he sat down and waiting for the news.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•