
autumn chillin'



7 Years

06-26-2014, 01:49 PM

His golden eyes quickly flashed to the pup as she lost her grip, tumbling out of the way of the crashing wolves. If he had not been so focused on the fight he would have run over to check on her, but all that mattered was that she was out of harms way. When Bass sent the black and white wolf rolling on the ground he stalked over to her, his tail aligning with his spin as his ears sat back against his skull. Toes spread wide as he gripped into the earth for more of a purchase should the pup come after him. His white fur stood on end as his chin tucked towards his neck should she attempt to jump up and grab it. He was ready for her, but he gave her time to regain her paws. He wasn't a dirty fighter, and he had a lot of height on the little creature so he didn't wish to be totally unfair.

When the female came charging at him he was ready, simply lifting his nose out of reach. She was quick though, her teeth just grazed his nose. It was deep enough to draw a few drops of blood, but not much more. Pulling his lips back in a snarl he spread his stance, ready to dodge out of the way if she were to attack again. He had hoped that this would have just been a warning, but if he wanted to fight, she would get a fight. Lowering his stance slightly, he reached out with his left foreleg and attempted to sweep it under her legs, hoping to knock her off her feet. Quickly regaining his own footing, he planted all fours on the ground to remain balanced. Bass did not make another attack, he stood there and waited to see if the pup fell or not. He didn't want to maim her or leave her scarred, just teach her a lesson about attacking his pack mates.


Fight for protection of Signy


ATTACK: Lowering his stance slightly, he reached out with his left foreleg and attempted to sweep it under her legs, hoping to knock her off her feet.
DEFENSE: his tail aligning with his spin as his ears sat back against his skull. Toes spread wide as he gripped into the earth for more of a purchase should the pup come after him. His white fur stood on end as his chin tucked towards his neck should she attempt to jump up and grab it. Quickly regaining his own footing, he planted all fours on the ground to remain balanced.
INJURIES: Light bite on his nose, just deep enough to draw a few drops of blood.