
New life for a new day


06-26-2014, 02:10 PM
How amusing it is to the carnage queen that her weary adversary believes she possesses even an iota of competence within her feeble bones, a sardonic simper elongating across porcelain features as she takes notice of the whore?s tensed stance. Her brother intervenes and the wraith contemplates over whether or not he knows she can best the sable witch ( as she had accomplished before ), though it is merely a fleeting concept as the presence of a second spectator breaches the confines of Devya?s birthing chambers. Metallic and violet gaze shifts to examine the looming newcomer with evident disinterest, triangular ears careening towards the wraith adjacent to her as domineering words reverberate off of the narrow walls of her brother?s den; ah, so this was the queen. Ravenous incisors gleam as she flashes the dappled sovereign a smirk, pallid skull sloping slightly in feigned confusion as her mismatched gaze ravages the woman?s own silver--tauntingly. ?Funny, I must have missed the welcome party last time I entered your home.? Vocals are a sarcastic croon that baits the dappled queen with the prospect of insubordination, though the phantom deity does not attack; no--the den is far too populated to make room for a potential arena. Thus, her attention wavers back to her brother?s whore who shields her children from prying pupils before shifting towards her brother, irritation leaking from pallid pores. ?Tell your wifey to play nice, Ares. Your children might be safe, but she is not,? she murmurs softly into his ear, pupils interlocking with his own, firmly, before falling back upon the dappled sovereign.

?Lead the way then, love,? she coos, her infamously wry grin stagnant upon a marred countenance as her haunches leave the earth, sparing one last glance at Devya before snaking through the den?s threshold and after the queen.

---exeunt artemis with katja