


06-26-2014, 02:42 PM

It seemed Vi could do nothing right, she had wanted to give Desiree the world and for that reason she had not bothered to speak with her before her departure. Though originally she had hoped to spend a few days giving out the cure then return home her mind had run away with her. They had been weak, seemingly so easy to vanquish. Would it have not been perfect if their queen had been sick as well and not yet recovered for the fight? But that had not been the case... No that was never the case. But still... To rip the crown from the woman's frail paws had seemed so easy. So why was she so wounded? How had she left herself become so scarred? So ugly?

It was only a short time before her love appeared, like the goddes she was, sweeping in and speaking softly. Sweet vocals trickled into Vi's audits and for a moment her eyes would close, cheek rubbing against the ground softly as if she could feel the very words. Where had she been? Where had she been... "The cure... I used it to secure peace treaties with all the packs..." Was that all? Say more stupid! Explain to her! At Desiree's touch she would lift her head softly, leaning her cheek into it and allowing a sigh to leave her lips. She never wanted to leave Desiree again... She had been weak in her sickness, fear for Fia and Des and Cru clouding her judgement.

Eyes shot open at Desiree's next words and she found the strength to roll into her stomach, coal lined eyes finding Desiree's bicolored ones in a moment of lucidity. "I could never leave you for long." Vi promised. She had been weak. Oh so weak. Unable to even say good he to her children. She had had Orchid administer the cure rather then herself. She should have been there for them but it had been painful to see them so sick. The lucidity was beginning to pass and she felt light headed again. Should she call orchid? The bleeding should have stopped by now but it seemed to continue to trickle down her sides. Too much walking, too much movement for them to scab over.

What had happened... Images of battle and bloodshed scattered her mind as she attempted to peace the last few days together. It almost hurt to remember but she had to, she and to remember him... It was all for him after all. Her eyes would close shortly, drawing in a breath as she tried to gather the words to explain. "It's because of them that he's dead... My dear sweet nephew... They killed him when all he was doing was following orders, fighting for a king that he believed in. My sweet Vixe is dead. I wanted to carve his death into their flesh. Into the flesh of their queen. I wanted to kill her even if she wasn't the one who killed them. But their whole pack should suffer. They angered the northern king, they brought it on themselves..." She was whispering now, almost trembling as she voiced her words. What had happened?