
I Will Try To Find My Place



3 Years
06-26-2014, 03:19 PM

Svetlana felt broken. Vaughan being scarce was one thing, though thankfully he was back, but when the news of her mother leaving again reached her ears the poor girl hadn?t know what to think. What to feel. Was there even anything to feel? As more time passed she grew colder, hurting so very deeply. She had eventually fallen silent, leaving the company of all others. Not even the arrival of the other half of her family had managed to keep her mood lifted... And not even Korrin, the companion whom she had come to care for as her best friend, could get any response out of her. The pain she felt seemed to go on and on, with no sign of ever stopping. Val... Her sister was gone too...

Were they all falling apart?

Tears flowed from Svetlana?s bright blue eyes, trails upon her cheeks where the tears had fallen. They... They weren?t coming back. She wasn?t sure why she felt it, but she did. It was the second time their mother had left them, when they needed her most. Then, when she had come back she hadn?t even managed to spend a lot of time with them. Her mother... She had betrayed them, really she had. The girl wasn?t sure who she could really trust anymore... If family could so quickly leave the rest behind, then who was there to remain close? To keep the darkness and hard times at bay? To ease them when they had to come?

The girl felt like even Korrin would leave her at this point. Svetlana, the faded form of her mother, her very shadow, would come to a stop in front of the lake, looking out across it. Did the worries never end? The sadness? Ears pressed back, eyes squeezing tightly closed. It felt like her world was spinning, and it was going to stop. Even as much as she tried to press on it wasn?t enough. She was trying to escape the madness, but it wasn?t enough! She couldn?t stop the ones she loved from being hurt, from leaving, from changing. It felt like she was left behind as everyone else moved forward.

What was the right path now? She opened her eyes, swallowing hard. ?What do I do now...?? The words were so soft, so quiet, yet no one was there to hear. In her pain and sadness she had chased Korrin off. She wouldn?t be surprised if the fox hated her now. Her words had been so cold and sharp, merciless as the fell upon the ears of the one she called her friend. She felt worthless... And she looked to the sky as the tears continued to trickle in large drops from her eyes now.

?What is it you all want me to do? What must I do to hold the rest of them together? To hold myself together? Please... Please I need some sort of answer... I...? A choked sob would leave Svet as she closed her eyes tightly again, form shaking with grief.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]