The mocha cloaked tempest had recently left the Ludicaelian lands, disappointed that her kin from Ahlon had not joined the rest of their belated lineage, excluding Dutiron and Novel, whom were once the two alphas in the Ahlon pack. Mismatched orbs stared upon a serpentine lake, watching its currents churn at the banks and about large stones. Amongst the musky odors of fish and mud, others stuck out. Both were of wolf, and were both so very familiar... like family. Mismatched orbs searched across the shorelines, just as she heard a call, one familiar enough to allure her toward the sound. Stilts began beating, dark pads threading the land. Her heart beat to a song, music pouring into her ears.
She arrived in time to see her sister, Motif, approach the new king, her eyes following his every curve. She barely recognized him as a ruler of a pack... Just how had he mustered such courage? "Bass! Motif! I haven't seen you since I left Ahlon. You all left too?" Inky lips parted to release the sing-song sound of her voice, light and cheerful. She was so proud of her brother, and wanted to be among the first to join his pack.