
A New Start To Adventure


06-26-2014, 04:21 PM

Silence overwhelmed the woman as she awaited the little boy's reply. He didn't seem too young. She predicted he was only a few months younger than her, considering she was young in her year. But he seemed to be entirely respectful toward strangers, and she liked that. It was good to know pups were being raised properly in this large educational pack. He calmly glanced up from his drink and gazed over for a bit. Then, he nodded, backing up onto the solid snowy ground and sitting down before her calmly. His tail curled around him and Wren's smile suddenly extended. Already he seemed adorable. The little boy, again, stared up at her. He seemed to be checking if she was in any way related to him. Or he was just familiarizing himself with her. Either way, she was okay with it.
The boy nodded to her in a respectful-looking posture and continued to look up at her. He was so cute. Once he got older, Wren imagined him drowning in his own fan club of ladies. Wren released a short, muted chuckle to the thought but then shut herself up as he spoke. "There is no need to worry about me. I was sure the ice could hold my weight, and I made sure not to make movements too quick that would cause me to slip." Smile would form into a weak grin as he explained his procedure to avoiding the freezing water. The tricolor babe would nod in reply and decided that it was necessary to wait until the polite boy continued. But for a moment he gazed up at her, his pretty two-toned gems scanning her frame. She wanted to laugh again. He was just so cute.
This pup's head lifted a ton- and she could imagine herself doing so and getting pretty tired. Her neck would begin to ache. Huffing lightly, she slid down to her stomach and sprawled herself out in front of him. This way it'd be easier for him to talk to her at a leveled height instead of his handsome little face always raising to hers. Then he continued to her in that voice she loved dearly. "You must be pretty new to Lucidael, right? I?m F?licien Desigriore. I?m related to the Destruction family... Symphony, my mom, is one of them. So yeah, welcome to the pack." A different last name. But he was related to the Destructions. She knew it. The woman almost felt humiliated to join a pack that had such a big family involved. Maybe she should of joined a pack that had all kinds of wolves from different families?
Wren shook the thought off her shoulders and bit her lip suddenly. But soon she regained reality and glanced over at the young man slowly. Her smile returned, but her ears planted firm against the back of her head. Before she could reply to his one statement, he added, "...and you? What?s your name?" The girl rolled her shoulders forward and huffed to icy feeling from the snow. But her maw soon split, and words spiraled off her tongue in a soothing hum. Ah, I figured you were related to the Destructions. I've met so many of those wolves...they all seem so sweet. The girl shifted her weight to the side and pushed her legs out beneath her. Then continued. But I am Wren Sartaddi. It's nice to meet such a respectful young man, She grinned and casted her minty gaze toward the stream. Then back to Fel with a slightly puzzled look in her eyes. What are you doing out here alone?