
It's Time To Begin

Athena I


9 Years
06-26-2014, 04:50 PM

It would seem there would be no time to rest. First the epidemic that welcomed her into her throne and now, just as she was beginning to get her feet under her as Queen, a challenge would pull her toward the battlefield. The thought of someone other than an Armada holding her throne infuriated her and it was that fury that she would carry with her as her paws moved swiftly toward her challenger. The sunlight glinted off of her silvery fur and the gold bands she wore with pride. Athena held her head and tail high, letting the world know that she was a Queen and no one would take that from her.

She arrived, slowing to a sauntering waltz, brushing her side against her King's side as she passed by him. It was always a comfort to have her brother with her, as it was too see Liberty and Drashiel there for support. Turning her piercing ruby and emerald toward her challenger at last, all she could think of was the thrill of a challenge. She had never backed down from a fight, no matter the difference in size or skill. In fact, that only drove her onward and made herself all the more eager to tear her opponent apart.

"No need for banter, hm?" she commented with a smirk before the smile fell away from her face, a snarl taking its place. She set her stance, her paws falling easily into a practiced, even stance while she settled her center of gravity and sank her claws into the blood stained soil to improve her already stable balance. Her head shifted down over her throat and her shoulders rolled forward, her scruff bunching up to protect her neck. While her ears folded back and her eyes narrowed to protected slits, her tail went out to lay even with her spine. Her muscles tensed and her lips pulled up in a snarl to expose her fangs, ready for whatever her challenger had to throw at her. She waited with an eager, blood thirsty glare, ready to prove that she deserved this throne.


Round: 0 of 3-4?

Defenses: Ears back, eyes narrowed, stance even claws dug in, tail even with spine for balance, muscles tensed, teeth bared, center of gravity set between her paws, shoulders rolled forward, and head down over throat

Attacks: None

Injuries None

Other comments When it's all said and done I would like Aly or Seren to judge this if it's okay with you and one of them agrees