


06-26-2014, 04:57 PM

So this is what he had done in her absence? She couldn't help the small smile that was beginning to form on her lips. Obviously she had made a good choice leaving him to care for her pack in the time she had left. Desiree had already told her of the packs thriving numbers, Orchid telling her of the pups who have been born to different moms. Everything seemed to be falling into place quite nicely. All except the scars. Though Orchid had assured Vi that the wounds on her face were little more then scratches Vi knew that no matter what the wounds to her back would scar heavily. Orchid had put some sort of poultice on them to help them heal but Vi knew there was nothing more they could do. She would have to live like this... Horribly mangled... Eyes would slip closed and a soft sigh would drop from her lips before she tipped her head back and let out an easy howl for Cru. He had done so well, she was so proud of him. Proud to have him as a friend and proud to know that he was happy with his station in life. Her heart still fluttered a little bit in her chest at the memories of their last meeting. He wanted her... She had never been wanted before, never been apple of someone else's eye. It was nice... She understood now how all the people she had fawned and fretted over felt. The smile grew, and she would lower her head, chuckling and trying to banish the feeling. She needed to be at least slight professional about this...