



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-26-2014, 07:22 PM

Her opponent followed her, making the battle ever more a deadly little dance. An ear flicked back at the mad little giggle that bubbled up from Viridiana?s jaws, her right eye training on the crimson opponent to watch her movements and get a fix on what her next intentions were. As Erani slammed forward, Viridiana?s jaws snaked out for Erani?s stomach again, and she felt the crimson female lean into her slam, adding to the bruising, and bringing a temporary stop to the movement. Erani made a quick attempt to hop her hind end away from the attack on her belly, and felt the jaws again snap shut on her side, front canines and small teeth tearing a large slash in the area low over her right ribs, felt the canines scrape across them, while her own jaws had snaked in, but clicked shut on air as Viridiana?s hind leg jerked up. Erani spotted the hind paw coming down for her face, and tilted her head abruptly left, jerking it back. The claws that had been aiming for her eye instead raked down across her muzzle, leaving four bone deep ragged furrows from the upper right side of her muzzle to the lower left side.

Erani ignored the lines of fire across her nose, attempting to initiate a swift spin to her right, attempting to bring her left shoulder to brace against Viridiana?s right side, and attempted to slash her open jaws at the Viridiana?s face, canines bared to apparently bring scarring damage, before her head attempted to snake left at the last second, and she instead attempted to grab hold of Viridiana?s exposed right side of the neck, intending to attain a grasp around Viridiana?s wind pipe. Should she attain her grasp, she would attempt to squeeze her jaws closed around the windpipe of her opponent, intending to cut off the air until Viridiana either submitted, or fell unconscious. Simultaneously, her left front paw attempted to slam down on the toes of Viridiana?s right front paw, and she would attempt to thrust herself forward into Viridiana?s right shoulder with her chest, intending to knock Viridiana?s balance awry.

Her paws regained a balanced, squared stance, toes spread for balance, claws extended for traction, while her abdominal muscles tensed, her hackles remained fully raised, fur fluffed to the full extent for padding and protection from jaws grasping. Her face scrunched, eyes narrowed, jowls rolled up over her muzzle, despite the fresh injuries to her muzzle. Her ears were pinned, embedded in the fluffy fur of her neck, while her shoulders rolled forward and her scruff scrunched over her cervical vertebrae and muscles. Her joints were loosened for ease of movement, her chin tucking to guard her throat as she made her bid for the opponent?s neck. Her tail remained tucked, the tip stained red from the blood trickling from the wound left by Viridiana?s first attempt at her belly.

Would life be easier as a horse, she wondered. Probably not. Oh well.

Fight Stats

Round: Valhallan Challenge | Fourth and Final Round of Four.

Defenses: Listed in last full paragraph.

Attacks: Attempting to spin around to the right and bring her left shoulder against Vi's right side. Feinting as though to slash her teeth over Vi's face, then darting at the last minute to snake her jaws in at Vi's neck, in an attempt to grab hold of her around the throat and apply pressure over the windpipe to cut off Vi's air. Simultaneously, her left front paw attempts to slam down on the toes of Viridiana?s right front paw, and she attempts to thrust herself forward into Viridiana?s right shoulder with her chest, intending to knock Viridiana?s balance off.

Injuries: Heavy Bruising on chest and mostly right shoulder. Four new claw marks (Bone deep) across the muzzle. Gashes on the side, one above her stomach on the right side, and one over her lower ribs from final round. (I think that's it? I lose track of these, some times.)

Out Of Character Notes: Last. Round. Gods I want to sleep forever. Yes. We agreed on Aly as our judge. *Faceplants*