


06-26-2014, 07:30 PM

Fight starts where the ** is.

The red forest had quickly become her home- the haven that had provided her more security than her den in the gorge. Some nights she'd still awake in the throws of nightmares from the earthquake that had nearly trapped her inside of her stone alcove. Now, she had a small den, that she had dug out from the base of a red-wood. A different den than the one she had suffered her illness inside, she didn't want to stay there- should the illness attack her again. The perks of living in the red forest, was that she maintained a near constant presence in the land. This was her home, and she would be damned if anyone would intrude on it. She made her rounds, slightly disappointed that no wolves were are the borer, seeking entry- and that she didn't see any of her Glaciem kin. Now that Athena had taken the throne, she was curious about how things were going in Glaciem. She was lost in her thoughts, as she plodded around the borders when the scent of a stranger wafted through the air.

**Instinctively, she froze- her body sliding into the defensive positions it knew so well. Her head and tail, aligned with her spine. Her shoulders rolled back, muscles tensing in her abdomen. Her hackles raised, ears flattening against her head, as her eyes narrowed. She tucked her chin slightly, to protect her throat- her legs spread for balance and her claws digging into the soil. Her ivory fur fluffed, making her appear larger- and helping to protect her from wounds she might receive. Then she would attempt to move forward along the border towards the source of the scent. She would attempt to move rapidly, to beat the other wolf to her exit. Her violet eyes would lock onto the crimson form of the other wolf, and she would snarl, before attempting to launch herself from the thick of the brush and towards the trespasser.

She would attempt to attack from the left side, emerging from the thick of the brush. As she launched herself forward, she realized why the scent was so familiar. It was the wolf who had poisoned her! She would attempt to charge into the left side of Viridiana. Her jaws would open in an attempt to bite into he woman's left shoulder, before violently thrashing her head. In this bite, she would attempt to bite deeply into the other wolf's shoulder, her thrashing to help destroy the tendons and ligaments permanently in her shoulder. This russet bitch had poisoned her pack! She had poisoned, Roman herself- and now she trespassed as if she owned the place?! Her claws dug into the ground, her tail thrashing behind her for additional traction and balance as she snarled.


Defenses: Second paragraph.

Attacks: Attempt to charge into the left side of Vi, and bite into her shoulder in an attempt to permanently tear ligaments and tendons, which would cripple her.

Injuries: none.

NOTES: Roman seriously doesn't like Vi, but Good Luck Dione! <3
