


06-26-2014, 07:36 PM

The almond colored beast was so close to his jaws, the man could taste it! He dashed just to the right of the fleeing prey, his breath hot on its heel and his pelt a silver streak against the ivory ground. His limbs moved expertly over the tree roots as they made their way to the edge of the forest, where suddenly a Grey figure jumped out from behind a shrub and caused it to rear.

Ahmose could not pass up his chance and would allow the momentum to lunge him off of his hind legs and into the air, where he would sink his teeth into the neck of the beast. Warmth would fill his senses as he felt the animal crash to the ground, seeing the stranger had swept it's legs from beneath it.

The prey was now deceased, and before releasing his grip the man would send a prayer of gratitude to the gods for the life that was given. He then removed himself from the animal and faced the stranger who had so kindly aided him in her capture.

"Thought it was gonna get away from me there for a second. Thank you so much for your help." Golden eyes would glow with sincerity as he thanked the kind man. It was not often that a stranger would offer aid without a word exchanged.

"Ahmose. Ahmose Tepemkau." He would introduce himself, words flowing out in deep European tones. He would sit then, the slain deer between them almost as an offering of friendship. "And to whom do I owe the honor and gratitude?"