
Oh Glory, Come And Find Us


06-26-2014, 07:55 PM

He would nose into her fur again, listening to her concerns as he stayed silent. He hadn't been around pack life before, so it was different to be concerned. Although he was incredibly concerned for Destruction, he felt bad for not really having anything to say about it. Her suspicions about the challenger that had taken Seracia seemed to weigh heavily on her shoulders. He hadn't seen who had challenged, and later perhaps he might find out it was none other then his own blood relative. But until then..."I doubt Seracia is the same that it used to be...but may the bitch who stole it from you rot in hell." He was taken aback by what he had just said, for the male was always gentle. Never had he said such things, but it was maybe the underlying anger at Destruction's situation at hand.

He calmed himself, however, when two figures would show. Eyes widened at the females outburst, and he wondered what the tri-colored male had done. He pressed against Destruction as he reached into his leather pouch, from it he produced a small bundle of lavender. He would move towards Rohini, offering to her the plants that would calm her. "Take these and calm down, there are reasons for everything. I'm sure he'll explain to you." He wanted to offer her friendship and understanding, surely the other warrior had his reasons for doing thins? He didn't seem entirely social, so maybe there was his personal reasons for doing whatever he had done.

"Talk here."