


06-26-2014, 09:06 PM

Rage exalted her, gave her additional strength she didn't know she possessed. Did her father feel this alive in battle? Is this what made him such a war-lord. Her heart hammered in her chest, pushing endorphin's through her body. She felt as if she'd never lived a day before in her life. Her opponent would turn suddenly, perhaps the strangled snarl of battle had alerted Viridiana to her presence? She'd have to work on that. Roman collided instead with the womnan's chest, her teeth colliding along the russet woman's chest. Her own chest bruised with the impact of the hit, and she ducked her head down- attempting to bite into the woman's left shoulder again, this time from the front. While she attempted to bite into Vi's shoulder, she attempted to push her weight forward, hoping to unbalance the other woman, or at least give her own attack some momentum.

As she ducked her head down, her jaws gaping as they attempted to seek the tendons and ligaments of the shoulder, she felt teeth graze her head, had she moved any slower- she would be blind. She threw her weight and mind into her attack, her claws digging into the ground, her tail waving behind her as if it was a rudder.Her head stung, where Viridiana's teeth had grazed it, and crimson blood began dripping, pooling down her face. It dripped into her eyes, skewing her vision, but she would not relent. She flattened her ears, if possible, even tighter to hear head- and her hackles remained raised, as she thrashed her head about. She readjusted her paws, standing as wide as she could for extra balance. Her muscles tensed, and her heart raced. She was almost excited. Is this what war could feel like?

ROMAN VS VIRIDIANA for Maim for Tresspassing

Round 2/2

defenses: third paragraph.

attacks: Ducked her head, and aimed to attempt to bite into Vi's left shoulder from the front, while thrashing her head, to do as much damage as possible. While she's biting, she's also attempting to move forward, using her weight to give her bite as much power and momentum as possible.

injuries:Gashes just above her eyes from Vi's teeth. mild bruising on chest from impact.

ooc; I'm on skype if you need me <333
