
Road Trip


06-27-2014, 04:35 AM

The day was bright, and she was curious. The young filly would take to adventure once again, and no sooner had she heard a howl close by then her legs were already carrying her at a gallop towards the location. Nostrils flared as a small whinny came from her, ears erect as they listened to the drumming of her hooves and the talking of others. She could smell Erani, and Odette, along with others she had never smelled before. And yet, even for a prey animal, she would not stop nor turn away, but continue forward. The girl strode forward, the forms of the canines coming into view as did Erani's familiar pelt. A smile spread across her sweet face, hazel eyes bright as they gazed at the gathered wolves. More friends? Were these friends of her friends too? Did that mean they were her friends???

She threw her head back and whinnied as she approached, brushing against Erani as she stopped with spread legs. She peered at the strangely painted woman, tail wagging behind her as she listened to some of the conversation. She looked at the pup that was there, her scent was of Valhalla, so then she was a friend too?! Wow! So many new friends in one day! She was certainly a very lucky filly. She couldn't wait to go back and tell Obsidian about this! She nuzzled Erani for a brief moment, her attention focusing on those before her. "Hi! Are you friends? What's your names? Do you know my momma? Are you Erani's friends? Why does your fur look like that? Can you do that to me too?" Questions. A whole spitfire of questions. She was so curious about Roman's markings, and wondered if they could be placed upon her as well. How did she do that anyway? Was it magic? Could Erani paint her like that? Did those markings make the wolf special? She wondered.