
Solo Patrol



1 Year
06-26-2014, 11:18 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The inquiry about the catch had really been unnecessary. The scent of the dead prey was clearly noticeable, causing the girl's mouth to water as she continued to sniff and follow it on the air. Already she licked her lips, tail beginning to wag behind her, and her green eyes watched Thor closely as he moved to reach around himself where he sat up to nudge the bundle of meat and pale fur at his side. Yes! Her appetite, after deserting her during those early days as she adjusted to her new living conditions, had returned with gusto, and of her siblings she often thought she tended to eat the most. And she was being given first dibs on a whole rabbit!

Given the okay, the dark brown pup stepped around her brother and mentor quickly, tail still wagging as she came around and stopped to look at the rabbit. Wow! Before long, even she would be able to catch rabbits like this, and Eostre and Arnporr too. But for right now, this one was all hers, and she practically leaped on the pale creature. Her small jaws wrapped around fur and skin and tugged, growling softly as she shook her head as if to kill it a second time. As soon as she tore through and tasted meat her play was over, and quieting her growls she set about tearing through and taking off bites of rabbit to sate her sudden hunger. Yep, that was just what she needed.

There was still meat left but Bera paused after she had quieted the majority of her hunger, licking at her muzzle to clean it though it was far too messy for a couple licks to take care of it. Her brother was no longer watching her but staring away, the look on his face very thoughtful. The young girl's green eyes traveled to the rabbit for a second before she looked at the burly male again and piped up curiously, "Where'd you find this?" By this, of course, she meant the rabbit, but it did not occur to her that it needed clarification. "I didn't see any when I was patrolling." Not that she was really looking for any sneaky rabbits when she had been walking the border of their home. She had been more on the lookout for other wolves, ready to stop anyone who threatened to intrude into their home and encroach on her family.