
Dismantle. Repair. [Kaien]


04-26-2013, 01:28 AM

The ivory dame was a massive forty two inches. Her two toned gaze was determined and heavy, her muscles rippling with every powered step she took, not even Demonio was aware of the decision she had come too. Tortuga as a whole was restless, disoriented, disjointed. Its members were uneasy, unhappy, something needed to change, something needed to reinstall faith and hope within Tortuga's ranks... no someone. Tortuga was on the brink of death with numerous packs. Valhalla was a drop away from beginning a war, Seracia did not view them as worthy, Glaciem was so closely aligned with Valhalla... should the armies be brought upon them, Tortuga would perish. They could not stand against three armies, no matter how ruthless their members were. They would fail, Tortuga would fall.

Desdemona had made the mountainous terrain her home. One day, she wished her pups, a family, her beloved Demonio to be safe, to grow up feeling protected and loved. She wanted her family to be secure, those most precious to her to be protected. She would not demand that Tortuga link paws with Valhalla and begin singing kumbaya... but some semblance of an alliance needed to be formed, between Tortuga and the majority of the neighboring packs. They could keep to themselves, but they also needed to keep the peace. Neither Kaien nor Morphine had done as such, and Desdemona was done hiding in the shadows, blindly following orders, she was tired of watching the pack she had grown to love, crumble.

She had reached the battlefield briskly, stealing a quick drink of water and readying herself. She had chosen such a place in case things turned ugly. She would not back down from this belief, she would not yield until a resolution had been achieved. Kaien. Her Alpha, he would answer her even if it led to a battle of blood and teeth. She hoped such would not come to that, but she had matters to discuss and concerns to address and she was prepared to fight. The battlefield would give the two a chance of privacy, and if need be, a chance of blood. Her muscles rippled, massive frame coming to a halt, eyes devoid and detached just as always. Her lips would part in a song, a howl that called for Kaien. He would answer her questions and the replies would meet her satisfaction, or she would challenge his right to rule.
