


06-27-2014, 01:54 AM

The man shared a warm thank you before finding a small space for himself in the cave. There was actually enough room for the four, and for once, the man felt wanted and belonged. The silver beauty, Zlata, had briefly introduced herself and handed the conversation over to the two males. Share my story? Well, he was sort of uptight about his history and he tend to keep it a secret. No-one really needed to know his pasts, but these were soon to be his new friends. Perhaps he should just talk a little bit, not all. Besides, he hasn't got the must heartbreaking and shattering history, but to him talking about it may depress or sadden him. But just a little bit. Won't hurt. Would it? He cleared his throat to briefly indicate he was going first. In a deep, glazed state of thought, he began.
"Right then, my story? Let's see if I can remember..." He didn't want to bring back his lost memories, and he feared if he did, the trauma may harm him. But the words echoed in his mind. Just a little bit. With a faint smile, he started his one hell of a past.
"I grew up with my sister quite some time ago with my rogue parents. My sister, Aislinn, was bullied by many of her rogue pup friends of her size. I've come from a very large and powerful family, mind you. Later when we were one year old, I was already hunting with my father. But my father was a dominant male, threatening to kill my mother if my sister and I did not do his filthy work. This included hunting for him, battling to the death, all sorts of horrendous things. At the same time, my grandfather visited me in a dream and told me I held great potential, though it would only be rewarded to me if never showed the sin of cowardice. But later on, my sister and I fled from my father's bloody ambitions, and I was considered a coward by my ancestors. Now I guess I roam the lands in search for a friend, though my heart is still torn in grief and horror."
His wise and knowledgable eyes twinkled from the other end of the cave. What a way to finish the story. Did he perhaps say too much? Perhaps he did, though just thinking about it left a saddened look in his eyes and his head was bowed in sorrow. But he shouldn't look like this for his new friends, in fact this was a warm and treasuring moment. Leaving room for no questions he quickly finished. "Anyway, that is the past," He added proudly with no fear, a powerful tone coming to his voice as he arched his back. He lifted his head as he spoke. "And we must all look to the future, not the past."
And what would happen in the future? Well, of course, more friends, that is. Sitting back down in his cosy little spot in the cave, he lifted his muzzle towards the other male as a signal for his story or past. That is, if he had one. But everyone does. And everyone has a future.